Anna Wilson (Harvard University)
Stella Panayotova (University of Cambridge)
Lecture by Janet Ericksen (University of Minnesota Morris)
News and
PIMS Library Opening Hours, 26 March onwards
As of Wednesday, 26 March, the PIMS Library will resume extended hours for the rest of the semester. The Library will be open Mondays and Fridays, 10:00am–5:00pm, and Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, 10:00am–7:00pm. Summer hours are expected to begin 1 May.
Good News from a Student of the Institute
Dr Talia Zajac, a continuing Mellon Post-Doctoral Fellow under the direction of Fr T. Allan Smith, CSB, has just had a book chapter published in the Brill volume Christian Rus in the Making.
Stephen Metzger Awarded Premio Abelardo Lobato
The Pontifical Institute’s Associate Fellow Stephen Metzger, along with his co-organizer, Sister Panagia Miola, has recently been honored with the Premio Abelardo Lobato in recognition for their work on an exposition, “Il Libro e lo Spirito.”
An Award for a PIMS Volume
Congratulations to John S. Ott and Anna Trumbore Jones, whose book The Medieval Clergy, 800–1250: A Sourcebook, has been selected by the RUSA History Section Historical Materials Committee as one of the Best Historical Materials published in 2024.
PIMS Library Opening Hours, 19 March onwards
As of 19 March, the PIMS Library will no longer have extended hours in the evenings. Regular hours will be Monday to Friday, 10:00am–5:00pm.
PIMS Publications Mailing List
The PIMS Publications Mailing List sends email announcements with information on new publications and special offers.