Institute Visitors
Status of Visitors
Visiting Scholars are those who have received a doctorate or its equivalent more than five years prior to the granting of the status.
Research Associates are LMS Candidates who request to continue work on their research projects after their year at PIMS and other scholars given this status by the Academic Council of the Institute. Normally such scholars will have received a doctorate or its equivalent no more than five years prior to the granting of the status.
The application form for Visitors is available for downloading and can be completed as a PDF form. Copies are also available from the Registrar, Joseph Pilsner (phone 416 926 7291). Please submit the application and two letters of recommendation to the Registrar, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 59 Queen’s Park Crescent East, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 2C4. The deadline for submission is 28 February of the academic year prior to the planned visit. After hearing recommendations from the Committee on Admissions and Awards, the Academic Council of the Institute reports its decisions in March.
Current Visitors
For a list of all current Institute Visitors, together with a brief outline of their recent scholarship, see Mellon Fellows and Visitors: Archive.