Christopher Martin
W. John Bennett Distinguished Visiting Scholar at the Institute and the Centre for Medieval Studies
Christopher Martin, from the University of Auckland, is this year's Distinguished Visiting Scholar at the Institute and the Centre for Medieval Studies. Prof. Martin has an international reputation as a historian of logic, especially for his groundbreaking work on Boethius and Abelard; he is currently working with Peter King (CMS) on an edition of Abelard’s commentary on Porphyry’s Isagoge. Prof. Martin has been part of the team editing the works of Richard Rufus of Cornwall; he has worked extensively on the emergence of twelfth-century thought, including original manuscript research; he has written on topics as varied as the use of Avicenna’s “Flying Man” argument in High Scholasticism, Peter John Olivi on knowing that one knows, the influence of John Major in the sixteenth century, and the nature of logical consequence. He has been a visiting fellow in philosophy at All Souls College (Oxford), a visiting professor at the École Pratique des Hautes Études, and most recently held a Leverhulme Visiting Professorship at the University of Cambridge.
- 2013–2014 - Distinguished Visiting Scholar