Justine L. Trombley
Justine L. Trombley was awarded the PhD in Medieval History at the University of St. Andrews in 2014 with a dissertation entitled “The Mirror Broken Anew: The Manuscript Evidence for Opposition to Marguerite Porete’s Latin Mirror of Simple Souls in the Later Middle Ages.” She has submitted an article to the Journal of Medieval History, “New Evidence on the Origins of the Latin Mirror of Simple Souls from a forgotten Paduan Manuscript; in 2010 she published “The Master and the Mirror: The Influence of Marguerite Porete on Meister Eckhart,” in Magistra: A Journal of Women’s Spirituality in History 16:1 (2010): 60-102. For her Mellon Fellowship, Dr. Trombley will continue her work on Marguerite Porete by producing a book based on her dissertation.
- 2016–2017 - Mellon Fellows