Notes from the School of William de Montibus / Collecta ex diuersis auditis in scola magistri Willelmi de Monte

Samuel Presbiter

Edited from Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Bodley 860 by ANDREW N.J. DUNNING

TMLT 33. x, 122 pp. 2016. ISBN 978-0-88844-483-7 • Paper • $19.95

Preserved in a single manuscript from the abbey library of Bury St Edmunds, and here edited for the first time, Samuel Presbiter’s series of short, extensively annotated poems offers a rare record of one of the innovative formats that medieval schoolmasters used to engage students beyond conventional lectures. The text affords the reader a vivid experience of immersion in the pedagogical techniques of the twelfth-century classroom. The poems and commentary present key lessons from the doctrinal instruction of William de Montibus (c. 1140–1213), the beloved master of the school of Lincoln Cathedral.

Published for the Centre for Medieval Studies External Link  by the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies.


Andrew Dunning is Curator of Medieval Historical Manuscripts, 1100–1500, for the British Library, where he is working to uncover relationships between the scholastic and monastic institutions that created manuscripts in England and France, and applying digital tools to make manuscripts accessible to anyone. He is a regular contributor to the library’s Digitised Manuscripts blog. He previously taught courses on classical, medieval, and early modern history and languages for the University of Toronto, where he received his doctorate in 2016 from the Centre for Medieval Studies, with the thesis ‘Alexander Neckam’s Manuscripts and the Augustinian Canons of Oxford and Cirencester.’ He was an RBC-Bodleian fellow at the Centre for the Study of the Book, University of Oxford during Hilary term 2016, and has also held fellowships from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.


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