Lecture by Distinguished Visiting Scholar Michael Ryan: “Seeking the Context of Fine Metalwork in Early Medieval Ireland: Provenance, Manufacture and Use.”
PIMS Visiting Scholar 2013–2014
Michael Ryan, from Dublin, Ireland, is the Celtic Studies Program's Philip and Linda Armstrong Visiting Scholar for 2013–2014. Dr Ryan will be on campus from January to April 2014 and will teach a course on Celtic Archaeology. Among the many prestigious positions he has held in the fields of Irish archaeology and museums are: President of the Royal Irish Academy; Director of the Chester Beatty Library (where he established it in its new home in the grounds of Dublin Castle); Keeper of Irish Antiquities, National Museum of Ireland; and currently lecturer on Celtic and Viking Ireland at University College Dublin.
This event is free and open to the public. Registration is not required. For further information, please contact the Centre for Medieval Studies at (416) 978-4484.
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