The 2020 Boyle Lecture (cancelled): “Late (Very Late) Choirbooks: How Do We Recognize Them and Why Do We Care?”
Consuelo Dutschke (Columbia University)
The health, safety and well-being of our community members is very important to us. We regret to inform you that owing to the current situation with COVID-19, this event has been cancelled.
Until rather recently, say through the 1970s and 1980s, it was possible to buy leaves from books of hours for a fairly small outlay of cash; by now even the ubiquitous book of hours is becoming rarer (i.e., more expensive), and today’s fairly cheap item is a choirbook leaf, without place or date specified but probably from Italy or more likely Spain, and from the 17th century. Are they interesting? Oh, yes! And one category of them in particular is very interesting. These are the books we’ll look at during my talk (and then you’ll be prepared to buy a leaf of interest!).