Mediaeval Studies Volume 76 (2014)

Edited by
Jonathan Black

ISSN 0076–5872
Volume 76 (2014) • ISBN 978-0-88844-678-7 • $105 

An annual journal of scholarship on the Middle Ages. A description of the journal and editorial policy, as well as tables of contents for recently published volumes, and indexes in electronic form, are available on the Mediaeval Studies page elsewhere on this site.


JONATHAN BLACK, RICHARD GYUG, and CHARLES HILKEN   Roger Edward Reynolds (1936–2014) | vii

TRISTAN SHARP   Tractatus de confessione “Actiuus contemplatiuo”: A Thirteenth-Century Guide to Confession for Monks | 1

MARK J. CLARK   The Biblical Gloss, the Search for Peter Lombard’s Glossed Bible, and the School of Paris | 57
ROBERT A. MAXWELL   The Cartulary of Baignes and the Problem of Aquitainian Illumination in the Twelfth Century | 115
CLAUDE LAFLEUR and DAVID PICHÉ with the collaboration of JOANNE CARRIER   The Questiones circa litteram de uniuersalibus and Expositio littere secunde partis prohemii of the Commentary on the Isagoge Attributed (?) to John Pagus (I. Introduction and Doctrinal Study): The Ontological Status of Universals | 149
SPENCER E. YOUNG   The Subsidiary Sins as Guides to Early Dominican Pastoral Care and Moral Reformation in Stephen of Bourbon’s Tractatus de diversis materiis predicabilibus | 169
ANNA FREDRIKSSON   The Council of Constance, Jean Gerson, and St. Birgitta’s Reuelaciones | 217
DOMENIC D’ETTORE   The Fifteenth-Century Thomist Dispute over Participation in an Analogous Concept: John Capreolus, Dominic of Flanders, and Paul Soncinas | 241
MICHAEL VAN DUSSEN   A Late Medieval Itinerary to England | 275

GILES E. M. GASPER   Robert Grosseteste at Durham | 297


For subscriptions and recent volumes, please contact our distributors to place your order.

Orders for back issues (volumes 1–71) should be addressed to the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Department of Publications, 59 Queen’s Park Crescent East, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 2C4 (fax: 416-926-7258; e-mail:

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