2014 Toronto Old English Colloquium. Programme
Stephen Pelle, Antonette diPaolo Healey, Alexandra Bolintineanu, M. J. Toswell, and Samantha Zacher
9:00am: Session I
Chair: Mary Catherine Davidson (York University)
Stephen Pelle (Mellon Fellow, PIMS): Contextualizing the Anglo-Saxon Composite Homily
10:15am: Break
10:30am: Session II
Chair: James Weldon (Wilfrid Laurier University)
Antonette diPaolo Healey (University of Toronto): Mapping Metaphors
11:45am: Break
12:00pm: Session III
Chair: Alexandra Bolintineanu (CLIR Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Toronto)
Digital Humanities Workshop Presentation
12:45-2:15pm: Lunch
2:15pm: Session IV
Chair: Ian McDougall (University of Toronto)
M. J. Toswell (Western University): The genres of the Old English psalms, and their influence on poetry
3:30pm: Break
3:45pm: Session V
Chair: David Townsend (University of Toronto)
Samantha Zacher (Cornell University): The Imaginary Jew in Anglo-Saxon England
All sessions will take place at the Centre for Medieval Studies, Room 301. All are welcome.
For more information, please contact Fabienne Michelet (fabienne.michelet@utoronto.ca) or Megan Cavell (megan.cavell@utoronto.ca).
This event is sponsored by the Centre for Medieval Studies, the Department of English, the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies and St Michael’s College at the University of Toronto.
To download the program click here.