The Etienne Gilson Lecture: “Creation and Gender in Eriugena, Hildegard, and Hadewijch”
Willemien Otten (University of Chicago)
Willemien Otten is Dorothy Grant Maclear Professor of Theology and the History of Christianity and Director of the Martin Marty Center for the Public Understanding of Religion in the Divinity School at the University of Chicago. Her most recent book is Thinking Nature and the Nature of Thinking: From Eriugena to Emerson (2020). With Editor-in-Chief Karla Pollmann, she edited the three-volume Oxford Guide to the Historical Reception of Augustine (430–2000) (2013), and with Susan Schreiner Augustine Our Contemporary: Examining the Self in Past and Present (2018).
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 817 9617 7243
Passcode: 339610
NOTICE: The lecture will be taking place in Room 400 of Alumni Hall, instead of Room 100 of Alumni Hall as previously indicated.
A reception will follow the lecture in the Laurence K. Shook Common Room at the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 59 Queen’s Park Crescent East.
All those attending the lecture must adhere to the appropriate public health and University guidelines.
For further information, please contact Institute Secretary Cynthia Watson at <cynthia.watson@utoronto.ca>.