Lecture: “The Jewish Historian Flavius Josephus and His Significance for Medieval Christianity”
Greti Dinkova-Bruun (PIMS)
The importance of the Jewish historian Josephus in the medieval period can hardly be overstated. Christian writers, from the patristic period to the Late Middle Ages, engage with the Josephan corpus in various ways. First and foremost, they use Josephus’s writings as a companion to the Bible, a treasure house of invaluable information about the early history of Christianity that was missing from the biblical narrative. The enormous interest in Josephus can also be seen in one little known phenomenon, namely, that his works were versified. This lecture concentrates on this latter aspect of Josephus’s multifaceted Nachleben.
The lecture begins at 11 AM Eastern Daylight Time (5 PM s. t. [CET] in Vienna).
Zoom link: https://univienna.zoom.us/j/68889024959?pwd=Q0pWVEpxWkpiekQ0YVB4UjE5Yk5jZz09
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