Toronto Old English Colloquium 2019
Centre for Medieval Studies
Speakers List and Schedule
9:30am - Opening Remarks
10:00am - Professor Stacy S. Klein, “Beyond Biology: Rewriting the Anglo-Saxon Family”
11:30am - Terri Sanderson, “The Problems with the 1051 Rebellion”
- Judith Yan, “Soðlice and Discursive Riddling in Apollonius of Tyre”
12:30pm - Lunch
2:30pm - Dr Stephen Pelle, “The Confluence of Exegetical Traditions in Vercelli Homily 5”
- Dr Jessica Lockhart, “Everyday Wonders in the Old English Boethius”
- Apala Das, “Beowulf and the Postcolonial”
4:00pm - Professor M.J. Toswell, “Lost Victorian Women of Anglo-Saxon Studies”
5:15pm - Closing Remarks
Refreshments will be provided.
Any questions regarding the Colloquium can be addressed to a.bauer@mail.utoronto.ca.