2014 Diploma Programme in Manuscript Studies
PIMS’ Diploma Programme in Manuscript Studies reconvened in Toronto this past summer. Fifteen participants joined us from around the world: from Finland, Italy, Poland, and Switzerland in Europe; from Argentina and Brazil in South America; from Canada, the U.S., and the U.K.
Two of the courses from the programme’s core curriculum were on offer. Our Leonard E Boyle Professor in Manuscript Studies, M. Michèle Mulchahey, taught MSST 1001: Codicology, which ran from 2 to 20 June. Through extensive hands-on experience with the manuscript collection of the Pontifical Institute, participants were introduced to analysis of the physical make-up and production of medieval manuscripts, to the proper method for describing medieval manuscripts and to modern cataloguing techniques. From 23 June to 11 July, PIMS’ librarian, Dr Greti Dinkova-Bruun, taught MSST 1003: Textual Editing, putting participants through their paces in the textual criticism and editing of medieval texts from manuscript—from the transcribing and collation of texts from multiple witnesses, to the construction of a critical apparatus and a stemma codicum.
In 2015, the programme will return to the American Academy in Rome. Well-known medieval historian David d’Avray, of University College, London, will join us there to teach a Special Subject on papal diplomatics that will take students to the Vatican Archives for a series of practica, while Prof. Mulchahey will once again teach Latin Palaeography. Arrivederci!