Fr. Bryan Kromholtz
Fr. Bryan Kromholtz, OP, a priest of the Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesus (western U.S.A.), is Professor of Theology at the Dominican School of Philosophy & Theology, Berkeley, California, where he is also a member of the Core Doctoral Faculty at the Graduate Theological Union. Having completed his doctorate in dogmatic theology in 2008 at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland, he is the author of On the Last Day: The Time of the Resurrection of the Dead according to Thomas Aquinas (Academic Press Fribourg, 2010), and of articles in Nova et Vetera (English), the Revue Thomiste, and Antiphon. Areas in which he has taught courses include eschatology, theological anthropology, theology of sacraments, the nature & method of theology, and theological field education, among others. At PIMS, he will be working on a monograph on St. Thomas Aquinas’s eschatology that highlights the distinctive features of the Common Doctor’s teachings, while also indicating the relevance of those teachings for today.
• 2023, Visiting Scholar