Giovanni Gasbarri
Giovanni Gasbarri received his doctorate in 2015 from Sapienza Università di Roma with a dissertation entitled “Lo studio dell’arte bizantina a Roma e in Italia tra ‘800 e ‘900. Un nuovo indirizzo della storiografia nel constest europeo.” He published Riscoprire Bizanzio. Lo studio dell’arte bizantina a Roma e in Italia tra ‘800 e ‘900 in 2015, and expects a second book to appear in 2016, A cent’anni da Bertaux. L’arte in Basilicata settentrionale tra Bizantini e Normanni. Among his several articles, Dr. Gasbarri published “The contributions of the Italian Art Press to the rediscovery of Byzantium at the turn of the Twentieth Century,” in The Art Press in the Twentieth Century (Visual Resources: An International Journal of Documentation, Special Issue, March 2015), pp. 31-43. As a Mellon Fellow, Dr. Gasbarri will explore the visualization of idolatry in Byzantium between the 9th and 15th centuries.
- 2016–2017 - Mellon Fellows