John Marenbon
W. John Bennett Distinguished Visiting Scholar at the Institute and the Centre for Medieval Studies
John Marenbon is a Fellow of Trinity College, and Lecturer there in the History of Philosophy. He has written widely on medieval philosophy, especially on Boethius, Eriugena, and Abelard, and also on the tradition of Aristotelian logic in the middle ages.
He is the author of Medieval Philosophy: An Historical and Philosophical Introduction (2007), Le temps, l’éternité et la prescience de Boèce à Thomas d’Aquin (2005), Boethius (2003), and Early Medieval Philosophy, 480–1150 (2nd rev. ed. 2002). He has edited Abelard’s Collationes for Oxford Medieval Texts (2001) and is the general editor of The Cambridge Companion to Boethius (2009). His influential essays on the medieval reception of Aristotle and Plato were collected in Aristotelian Logic, Platonism, and the Context of Early Medieval Philosophy in the West (2000).
- 2010–2011 - Distinguished Visiting Scholar