Krisztina Ilko
Dr. Krisztina Ilko received her PhD in History of Art in 2020 at Pembroke College, University of Cambridge, writing a dissertation entitled “The Artistic Patronage of the Augustinian Friars in Central Italy (1256 – c. 1370). She is currently departmental lecturer in the Department of the History of Art, University of Cambridge, Director of Studies in Medieval Art at Homerton College, Cambridge and Praeceptor, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. She has published fourteen articles, with another forthcoming in Gesta, “Forging the Augustinian Past: The Rule-Giving of St Augustine in a Duocento Gradual.” Her project as a Mellon Post-Doctoral Fellow this year is “The Sons of Augustine: Art and Memory in the Augustinian Churches of Central Italy.”
- 2021–2022 - Mellon Fellows