Michael S. Hahn
Dr. Michael S. Hahn received his PhD, Divinity, at the University of St. Andrews in January 2020 for his dissertation entitled “Poor Brides of Christ: Distinctive Forms of Franciscan Mysticism in Bonaventure and Angela of Foligno.” He published “Pourquoi les reliques de Saint André de Fife n’attirèrent jamais autant de pélerins que celles de Saint Jacques à Compostelle?” Compostelle: Cahiers du Centre d’Étude de Recherches et d’Histoire Compostellanes 19 (2016): 10-28, with two more forthcoming. His research project at the Institute as a Mellon Post-Doctoral Fellow focuses on John-Jerome of Prague’s reception of Angela of Foligno’s Liber, emphasizing the influence of thirteenth-century female theologians.
- 2021–2022 - Mellon Fellows