Mediaeval Studies Volume 82 (2020)
ISSN 0076-5872
Volume 82 (2020) • ISBN 978-0-88844-684-8 • $120
An annual journal of scholarship on the Middle Ages. A description of the journal and its editorial policy, as well as indexes in electronic form and ordering information, are available on the Mediaeval Studies page elsewhere on this site.
In memoriam
Martin Janez Dimnik, CSB (1941–2020), by T. Allan Smith, CSB | vii
Jocelyn Nigel Hillgarth (1929–2020), by Jonathan Black | xvii
BRENT A. PITTS The Anglo-Norman Bible’s Book of Tobit: A Critical Edition (London, British Library Royal 1 C III, fols. 312r–315v) | 1
SEBASTIÀ GIRALT The Times and Stars for Ruling a Kingdom: The Tractat de les eleccions by Bartomeu de Tresbens. A Study and Edition | 79
JOHN F. ROMANO The Coronation of Charlemagne as a Liturgical Event | 149
ALEXANDER FIDORA Philosophy—Wisdom—Theology: Gerard of Abbeville’s Principium and Its Reception during the Thirteenth Century | 183
SHAMI GHOSH Rural Commercialization in Southern Germany, c.1200–c.1500: Sources, Problems, and Potential | 207
For subscriptions and recent volumes, please contact our distributors to place your order.
- In North America, please contact University of Toronto Press Distribution to order by email, phone, fax, or mail.
- Outside North America, please contact Brepols Publishers.
Orders for back issues (volumes 1–71) should be addressed to the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Department of Publications, 59 Queen’s Park Crescent East, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 2C4 (fax: 416-926-7258; e-mail: jonathan.black@utoronto.ca).