From Learning to Love: Schools, Law, and Pastoral Care in the Middle Ages
Essays in Honour of Joseph W. Goering
Papers in Mediaeval Studies 29. 2017. xlviii, 776 pp. + 13 plates. ISBN 978-0-88844-829-3 • Cloth • $110
The essays in this volume show how the teaching of law and theology in the medieval schools was part of a pastoral project to foster a just Christian society and to lead souls to contemplation of God. With subjects ranging from scholastic debates about divine simplicity to disputes between parishioners over their reputations, these studies take us across Europe, from the eleventh to the fifteenth centuries, although the heart of the volume covers England and northern France in the decades around 1200.
The collection reveals a culture with many threads of mutual influence connecting the learning of the schools, the administration of the Church, the perspectives of professionals in law and theology, and the stories, practices, and devotion of the laity. The first section of the volume considers medieval masters and examines both their subjects of intellectual inquiry and their pedagogical methods, as reflected in the particular textual and manuscript practices developed in the schools. The second section considers how clerics applied learning acquired in the schools in their roles as pastors, judges, and administrators. The final section gathers essays on those aspects of religious culture manifested in popular piety, liturgy, and hagiography.
Diverse in methods and scope, these essays nevertheless share a common aim: to honour the remarkable scholarly achievement of Joseph Ward Goering. Although best known for his work on scholastic theology and pastoralia, his interests have ranged from hagiography to visual culture, and this volume reflects the interdisciplinary breadth and coherence of his work. This book presents original studies from many fields, including history, law, language and literature, theology, philosophy, and musicology, along with some editions of hitherto unpublished texts, as a tribute to Joe’s role as a beloved mentor to medievalists from many disciplines.
Abbreviations • xi
Plates • xvii
Joseph Goering: A Tribute • John Van Engen • xix
Acknowledgements • xxv
Introduction • The Editors • xxvii
Part One: Masters, Schools, and Learning
Alexander Andrée • “Diuersa sed non aduersa”: Anselm of Laon, Twelfth-Century Biblical Hermeneutics, and the Difference a Letter Makes • 3
Lindsay Bryan • Peter the Chanter’s Threefold Truth and the Sin of Scandal • 29
Tuija Ainonen • Making New from Old: Distinction Collections and Textual Communities at the Turn of the Thirteenth Century • 48
Martin Pickavé • Robert Grosseteste on Free Choice • 70
Cecilia Panti • Ralph Hegham’s Quaestio on the Highest Good and the Grossetestian Materials in Laurenziana Plut. 18 dext. 7 • 90
Franklin T. Harkins • University Theology in the Cloister: The Filia magistri at the Cistercian Abbey of St Mary at Cambron • 119
R. James Long • The Plurality of Platonic Forms and Trinitarian Simplicity: A Conundrum and Its Resolution by the Early Oxford Masters • 146
Andrew Traver • The Place of William of Saint-Amour’s Collectiones catholicae in the Secular–Mendicant Conflict at Paris • 183
M. Michèle Mulchahey • The Meaning of the Title ‘Magister’ amongst the Medieval Dominicans • 203
Chris L. Nighman • Editorial Agency in the Manipulus florum: Thomas of Ireland’s Reception of Two Works by Peter of Blois • 224
Blake Beattie • A Lawyer’s Florilegium: Gratian’s Decretum in a Sermon from Fourteenth-Century Avignon • 249
Kimberly A. Rivers • Learning and Remembering Canon Law in the Fifteenth Century: The Ars et doctrina studendi et docendi of Juan Alfonso de Benavente • 266
Part Two: Pastors, Judges, and Administrators
John S. Ott • Speech and Silence, Ritual and Memory at the Council of Reims (1049) • 293
Kathleen G. Cushing • Monastic ‘Centres’ of Law? Some Evidence from Eleventh-Century Italy • 315
Greta Austin • Killing, Just War, and Violence in a Church Law Collection Contemporary with the First Crusade • 326
Bella Millett • The Textual Transmission of Shared Sermons in Three Early Middle English Sermon Collections • 346
Jason Taliadoros • Magna Carta and ius commune: A Consideration of the Scholar-Administrators of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries • 362
Marc B. Cels • “Vade prius reconciliari”: The Double Binds of Priestly Peacemaking in Medieval England • 386
Mark F. Johnson • Paul of Hungary’s Summa de penitentia • 402
Winston Black • Faces of the World: William of Auvergne and the Rhetoric of Penance • 419
F.A.C. Mantello • “Reprehensio grauis, amica tamen, magni cuiusdam fornicatoris”: Letter 10 of Robert Grosseteste • 443
Siegfried Wenzel • Preaching the Ordo iudicii • 458
Charles Donahue, Jr. • “Delictum est vobis quod judicia habebitis inter vos” (1 Cor. 6:7): Defamation Cases in Ely Diocese, 1374–1382 • 471
Philip Slavin • The Preacher in the Rye: Allegory and Reality of Rural Life in Middle English Sermons • 492
Bert Roest • Franciscan Preaching at the Turn of the Sixteenth Century: Contextualizing Jean Vitrier • 515
Part Three: Liturgy, Piety, and Exempla
Stephan Dusil and Katherine Hill • Singing Canon Law? Neumes in Manuscripts of the Decretum of Burchard of Worms • 533
Richard Gyug • Reading for Ritual: Liturgy and Ritual in Southern Italian Chronicles • 555
Mairi Cowan • A Contested Conception: Jocelin of Furness and the Local Traditions about St Kentigern in Twelfth-Century Glasgow • 571
David R. Winter • Becket and the Wolves: Imagining the Lupine Welsh in a Thirteenth-Century Latin Preaching Exemplum from Llanthony Secunda Priory • 590
Andrew Reeves • The Liturgy and the Word: Catechetical Aspects of Palm Sunday Sermons • 613
Robert Sweetman • Exemplary Care: Storytelling and the ‘Art of Arts’ among Thirteenth-Century Dominicans • 628
Jennifer Carpenter • Thinking through Embodied Grace: Metaphorical Understandings of Grace in the Thirteenth Century • 647
Pamela Drost Beattie • Penance, Tears, and Lay Devotion: Traces of Penitential Theology in Ramon Llull’s Romance of Evast and Blaquerna • 667
Kristen Allen • “Know When to Hold ’Em, Know When to Fold ’Em”: The Desperate and Joyful Implications of Gambling in Dante’s Commedia • 692
Sean Otto • The Contrition of Mary Magdalen: John Wyclif and the Preaching of Penance • 718
Publications of Joseph W. Goering • 735
Contributors • 740
Index of Manuscripts • 743
Index of Names, Places, and Works • 748
Tristan Sharp is Instructor of Church History, Newman Theological College, Edmonton, Alberta.
Isabelle Cochelin is Associate Professor of History at the University of Toronto.
Greti Dinkova-Bruun is Fellow and Librarian at the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Toronto.
Abigail Firey holds a University Research Professorship and the Theodore A. Hallam Professorship (2017–2019) in the Department of History at the University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky.
Giulio Silano is Professor of History and Medieval Studies at the University of Toronto.
“This volume honours a scholar of singular achievement; among other contributions by colleagues and friends, it is filled with essays by students who would never have been encouraged to follow a medieval text into difficult manuscripts, or been helped to sort out its context and connections, or been encouraged to consider its theological or canonistic framework were it not for the caring attention of Joseph Goering as teacher and supervisor. His understanding of community life and indeed of religious life is not a matter just of the head but of the heart too and of human commitment. Understanding medieval parishes and the teachings and practices that marked them in the wake of the new schools is not simply an ‘interest’ of Joe’s. In some deep sense it is who he is, grounded in his own deeply and religiously centered humanity. It is what as a teacher and adviser, also as researcher, writer and instructor, he has practiced in his own life, and what is made manifest in the community of grateful young scholars and older friends that have gathered around him.” — John Van Engen, University of Notre Dame
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