Catalogus Translationum et Commentariorum,
Volume X
Mediaeval and Renaissance Latin Translations and Commentaries: Annotated Lists and Guides
CTC 10. 2014. xxxvi, 404 pp. ISBN 978-0-88844-950-4 • Cloth • $95
This series lists and describes the Latin translations of ancient Greek authors and the Latin commentaries on ancient Latin (and Greek) authors up to the year 1600. A contribution to the history of classical scholarship, it is intended to illustrate the impact which the literary heritage of ancient Greece and Rome had upon the literature, learning, and thought of those long centuries of Western history usually known as the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. The articles in Volume X represent various fields (literature, history, and philosophy) and span a vast period of time, from the sixth century B.C. (Pindar) to the sixth century A.D. (Agathias).
Founded in 1946 by Paul Oskar Kristeller, the Catalogus Translationum et Commentariorum has become an indispensable research tool for scholars interested in the history of the classical tradition in the West during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Each article treats a separate classical author, beginning with a detailed essay on the author’s reception from antiquity to A.D. 1600. This ‘Fortuna’ is followed by a comprehensive list both of manuscript and printed commentaries on each Latin author and, in the case of Greek authors, a list of Latin translations as well. Since the publication of the first volume in 1960, the Catalogus has published articles on nearly a hundred classical authors, with dozens more in active preparation. The project boasts an international team of contributors from fourteen countries in Europe and North America. Given the ever-growing interest in the history of classical reception across departments of English, European languages, and comparative literature, the foundational scholarship that is the hallmark of the CTC has become more vital to research in the humanities than ever. In this volume, the tenth in the series, five full-length articles devoted to Pindar, Aelianus Tacticus, Musaeus, Agathias, and Aulus Gellius are supplemented by addenda and corrigenda to articles previously published on Lucretius, Dionysius Periegetes, and Sallust.
Preface, by Greti Dinkova-Bruun • ix
Preface to Volume I, by Paul Oskar Kristeller • xv
General Bibliography • xxiii
Abbreviations • xxxiv
Greek Authors
Pindarus, by Francesco Tissoni (Università degli Studi di Milano) • 1
Aelianus Tacticus, by Silvia Fiaschi (Università degli Studi di Macerata) • 127
Musaeus, by Paolo Eleuteri (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia) • 165
Agathias, by Réka Forrai (Centre for Medieval Literature, University of Southern Denmark) • 239
Latin Authors
Aulus Gellius, by Leofranc Holford-Strevens (Oxford, U.K.) • 273
Addenda et Corrigenda
Lucretius, by Ada Palmer (University of Chicago) • 331
Dionysius Periegetes, by Didier Marcotte (Université de Reims, Institut Universitaire de France) • 357
Sallustius, by Patricia J. Osmond (Rome, Italy) and Robert W. Ulery, Jr. (Wake Forest University) • 375
Index of Manuscripts for Volume X • 393
Index of Translators and Commentators • 397
Index of Ancient Authors Treated in Volumes I–X • 402
Greti Dinkova-Bruun is a Fellow and Librarian of the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Toronto. She has edited Alexander Ashby’s Opera Poetica for the Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaevalis (2004) and The Ancestry of Jesus: Excerpts from “Liber Generationis Iesu Christi Filii Dauid Filii Abraham” for Toronto Medieval Latin Texts (2005). Her numerous articles have appeared in Mediaeval Studies, Viator, Sacris Erudiri, Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch, and Archives d’histoire doctrinale et littéraire du Moyen Âge, among other journals.
James Hankins is Professor of History at Harvard University and founder and general editor of the I Tatti Renaissance Library, published by Harvard University Press. The author of a seminal study, Plato in the Italian Renaissance (1990; Italian translation, 2009), he is editor of The Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Philosophy (2007) and (with Fabrizio Meroi) The Rebirth of Platonic Theology (2013), as well as editor and translator of Leonardo Bruni’s History of the Florentine People (2001–2007) and editor of Marsilio Ficino’s Platonic Theology (2001–2006).
Robert A. Kaster is Professor of Classics and Kennedy Foundation Professor of Latin Language and Literature at Princeton University. His books include Guardians of Language (1988), Emotion, Restraint, and Community in Ancient Rome (2005), and editions and translations of Cicero’s Speech on Behalf of Publius Sestius (2006), Seneca’s On Anger and On Mercy (2010), Macrobius’s Saturnalia (2011), and Suetonius’s De grammaticis et rhetoribus (1995) and De vita Caesarum (forthcoming).
“This, the tenth volume of the Catalogus Translationum et Commentariorum, marks a new phase in the history of a distinguished series founded by Paul Oskar Kristeller and subsequently edited by Edward Cranz and Virginia Brown. Not only has it been produced under the editorship of Greti Dinkova-Bruun, with the assistance of James Hankins and Robert Kaster, but it also introduces a new, handsome format. At the same time, those familiar with the Catalogus will be pleased to note here continuity with its fundamental aims and method. Each article evinces broad familiarity with manuscript and printed sources, as well as rigorous understanding of the textual tradition of the classical author that is its focus: Pindar, Aelianus Tacticus, Musaeus, Agathias, Aulus Gellius. Together with comprehensive indices, these essays constitute a volume which, like its predecessors, will prove an indispensable guide to the classical tradition and its afterlife in all their inexhaustible variety.”
John Magee, University of Toronto
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