PIMS Library Reopening


After serious deliberations and multiple discussions, the PIMS Library has received approval from the administration of St. Michael’s College to reopen on Monday, September 28, 2020. The Library will be operating at reduced capacity and reduced hours.

Rules and Regulations for the Reopening of the PIMS Library

Phone: 416-926-7146 (entire day) and 416-926-2094 (only in the afternoon)
Dr. Greti Dinkova-Bruun, Librarian

The Library will reopen on Monday, September 28, 2020. Until further notice, the Library will be open on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, 10 a.m. – 4.30 p.m.

Since the safety of the staff and readers is our highest concern, a series of rules and safety protocols have been implemented in accordance with provincial and national health guidelines. In general, the Library will operate at a reduced capacity, with readers NOT allowed to seat in the area of the main stacks (the only exception are the users of the microfilm reader/scanner). Readers with be allowed to study at the tables in the Reference Area, Paleography Room, and the middle Study/Board Room.

In accordance with the rules of social distancing, only 16 (sixteen) readers can be allowed in the Library at any given time. All readers must wear face masks during their entire visit; they also need to sanitize their hands frequently (sanitizing liquid will be provided), especially before touching any of the lockers, the public computers, the photocopier, and the handles of the movable shelves for periodicals.

What you need to do before coming to the PIMS Library

1) If you are not coming to the library at 10 a.m., when we open and are likely to have study spaces available, it is advisable to call first to make sure that there is a place for you when you arrive. Admittance is provided on first come, first serve basis. No reservations will be taken.
2) When you reach the Kelly Library, you have to call us at the numbers provided above. One of the PIMS staff will come down to take you to the 4th floor, using either the elevator or the stairwells, according to preference. You CANNOT reach the 4th floor on your own; there will be a designated area on the first floor of the Kelly Library where you have to wait until one of us come down to fetch you.
3) You must have with you your old PIMS card. New cards will be issued for 2020-2021 at each reader’s first visit. If you have lost your old card, you will be allowed to enter upon approval.
4) Bring your own writing tools and prepare your visit by finding your references beforehand, if you are not bringing your computer with you. Two of the public computers in the reference area will be operational, but it is safer to avoid using them, if possible.

What you need to do in the PIMS Library

1) Leave your belongings in the lockers. Do this AFTER you sanitize your hands.
2) Only water can be taken into the Library.
3) Enter the Library following the arrows.
4) Fill in the registration form (only at first visit) and sign the ledger at every visit. Please PRINT CLEARLY your name and the time of your entry and exit, so that we can implement tracking if necessary. The student monitor will assist the readers in this process.
5) Every reader will have their own box in which they MUST place all the books or microfilms they touch. Re-shelving of books is NOT allowed. This will be your box for the week. All books will be re-shelved at the end of the week, and microfilms will be returned to their place.
6) You will be shown to a place where you can work. You are NOT allowed to change seats.
7) You can go to the stacks to fetch your books. You MUST follow the arrows which ensure that there is only a one-way traffic. Please do not enter the areas that are closed off for readers.
7) If you need to exit the library for lunch (ca. 1 hour), you need to follow the exit procedures, and return using the entry procedures. Your place will be kept for you. NO FOOD can be eaten IN THE BUILDING during the pandemic. If you have your own lunch, you need to eat it outside.

What you need to do when you have to leave the PIMS Library

1) Gather all the books you have used and touched in your box.
2) Leave a note with your name and phone number on top of the books.
3) Wipe your seat and working area. Wipes will be provided by the Library.
4) Take your box to the designated areas. The PIMS staff will show it to you. Your books will be kept in your box for the 3 (three) working days of the library. ALL BOOKS in boxes will be re-shelved every Monday morning, after a 4-day quarantine.
5) Exit through the “Exit” door, gather your belongings from the locker, and wipe the locker and the key. Wipes will be provided.
6) Inform the PIMS staff that you are ready to leave. You will be taken down by one of us; you CANNOT LEAVE on your own.

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