Concert: “A Medieval Nunnery Christmas”
Sine Nomine
Medieval nunneries were centres not only of contemplation and prayer, but also of musical composition and performance, and for such festive seasons as Christmas and Epiphany the chant of the daily round of worship was often augmented with more elaborate and intricate pieces. Our women’s ensemble, featuring several guest early-music specialists alongside our core members, presents a selection of this beautiful seasonal repertoire.
Tickets can be ordered from HartHouse tickets (https://tickets.harthouse.ca/Online/default.asp; 416-978-8849). To contact Sine Nomine, please call 416 638 9445, or write to Sine Nomine. For further information, visit the Sine Nomine website.
All Sine Nomine concerts this season take place at Trinity College Chapel, 6 Hoskin Avenue. The Chapel (1955), “a lovely example of perpendicular Gothic,” is the work of Sir Giles Gilbert Scott (1880–1960), the architect of Liverpool Cathedral, the Cambridge University Library, and the famous British red telephone boxes. It is a most evocative neo-medieval space, and aurally and visually perfect for the performance of medieval music. The Chapel is located on the St George Campus of the University of Toronto, between St George Street and Queen's Park, within easy walking distance of both Museum and St George stations (map: https://tinyurl.com/y9c8fb9f).