Medieval Women Workshop III: Writers and Subjects
Co-sponsored by the Centre for Medieval Studies, the University of St Michael’s College, and the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies
Friday, January 31
3:30 Refreshments
4:00 Welcome and Remarks
Kenneth Duggan (Mellon Fellow, PIMS) "Writing Women Back into Legal History"
Jack McCart (MA candidate, CMS) "Roesia Burford (1286-1329) and Her Mercantile Milieu: Finance, Family Strategy, and the Female Merchant in Late Medieval London"
5:30 Reception
Saturday, February 1
Sister Maria Parousia Clemens, SSVM (PhD candidate, CMS) "The Spouse of Christ: Marriage and Metaphor"
Robert Sweetman (Institute for Christian Studies and CMS) "Aemulatio as Pedagogical and Amatory Ethos in Abelard and Heloise's Letter Exchange"
11:15 Break
St Michael's College Medieval Studies Students - Presentations moderated by Alison More
12:30 Sandwich Lunch
Lydia Walker (Mellon Fellow, PIMS) "Women and War: Critiquing Thirteenth-Century Crusade Initiatives through Portraits of Women in Pastoral Literature"
Laura Moncion (PhD candidate, CMS) "Reading Recluse Rules: the Admonitio ad Nonsuindam Reclusam, the Regula solitariorum, and the Waldregel"
3:15 Break
Alison More (University of St Michael's College) "Schismatic Regularization and Its Legacy: John XXIII, the Grey Sisters, and the Vita Apostolica"
James Ginther (University of St Michael's College) "Hidden Figure? Hildegard's Community at Rupertsberg and Her Life of St Rupert"
5:00 Conclusion and Refreshments
For free registration please RSVP to cynthia.watson@utoronto.ca before 29 January.
(Lunch & refreshments included)
For further information, please contact Ann M. Hutchison ahutchis@chass.utoronto.ca or Alison More alison.more@utoronto.ca