Medieval Women Workshop VII: Sisters, Leaders, Writers and Readers
The Medieval Women Workshop is sponsored by the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, the Centre for Medieval Studies, and the University of St Michael's College.
The full programme will be posted soon. Speakers include:
Ann Dooley: “Brigid of Kildare: revisiting the great saint of Spring”
Maureen Boulton: “Jean Gerson’s Writings for his Sisters”
Laura Gathagan: “An army of saints: Mathilda of Flanders’ relic inventory”
To register and for more information, please contact the PIMS Secretary at pims.secretary@utoronto.ca.
Images: (top) St Brigid and St Bishop Mel at St Patricks Synod: stained glass window of parish church in Kilrush, Co. Clare; (bottom) the signature cross of Mathilda of Flanders