Seminar: “Removing the Superfluous Elements and Correcting the Defects: John-Jerome of Prague’s Copying and Editing of Angela of Foligno’s Liber”
Michael Hahn (Mellon Fellow, PIMS)
In 1425, the Camaldolese theologian, John-Jerome of Prague (d. 1440), produced what he referred to as the epilogus of Angela of Foligno’s texts (or “Revelations”). John-Jerome also copied the texts by or about two other female mystics – Catherine of Siena and Marguerite Porete – and had a long and varied career which included becoming a Premonstratensian canon and abbot, being chaplain to the King of Poland and becoming a Camaldolese hermit, as well preaching extensively and attending various councils. Despite this career, John-Jerome is not well known today and has received very little scholarly attention, being enormously overshadowed by his contemporaries Jan Hus and the similarly-named Jerome of Prague, whose views John-Jerome opposed.
While John-Jerome’s copying of Angela’s texts have been noted, including in the two critical editions of Angela’s works, his epilogus has not been examined on internal grounds. John-Jerome presented not Angela’s full corpus, but a shortened and modified version. It is particularly noteworthy that, in his preface to this epilogus, John-Jerome claimed that he was producing this text in order to remove the superfluous elements and to correct the defects of Angela’s corpus. This begs the questions: which elements of Angela’s texts did John-Jerome see as superfluous or defective, and how did he fix such faults? This presentation will offer an introduction to John-Jerome’s theological outlook and examine some of the major changes he made to Angela’s texts. By doing so, this presentation will therefore consider how Angela’s life and mystical theology were perceived in this particular fifteenth-century context.
This event is taking place both in person and online. All COVID-19 related University protocols will be in place and adhered to.
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