Gazing on God - publication of a new book


We are pleased to announce the publication of a new book by an alumnus of the Institute.

We are pleased to announce the publication of a new book by an alumnus of the Institute. Revd Dr Andreas Andreopoulos, Reader in Orthodox Theology at the University of Winchester, completed his Licence in Mediaeval Studies at the Pontifical Institute in 2001 and researched the theology and iconography of the Transfiguration as a post-doctoral Fellow at the Institute in 2002–2003. His new book, Gazing on God: Trinity, Church and Salvation in Orthodox Thought and Iconography, published by James Clarke and Co., is due to be released on 26 December 2013. In this book Dr Andreopoulos traces the depth of key Christian concepts such as salvation and the Trinity, analyzes ideas and themes, and argues for a new direction in scholarship that incorporates icons and literature as sources of theological thought. 

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