PIMS Leadership Transition


Dr Richard Alway, after 10 years of voluntary leadership of the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, has indicated to the Board of Governors his intention to retire once his successor has been chosen.

The Board has authorized me as Board chair to form and chair a small committee to undertake the important task of recommending Dr Alway’s successor. The appointment is made by the Board of Governors. Dr Alway has agreed to remain in office until the appointment process has been completed.

The members of the selection committee are:

Hon. Nicole C. Eaton (Chair)
Mr. Tony Comper, member of the Board of Governors
Mrs. Maruja Jackman, member of the Board of Governors
Prof. Greti Dinkova-Bruun, Fellow and Librarian, PIMS
Prof. Allan Smith, Fellow and Registrar, PIMS

Under the provisions of the Province of Ontario Act of Incorporation of the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies the Board appoints the Praeses. In addition, Institute General By-Law No. 1, 8.2 provides that in making the appointment the Board “shall consult beforehand with the Academic Council for its input but is not bound thereby.”

The Selection Committee will therefore in due course consult the Academic Council before making a recommendation to the Board. Given Dr Alway’s request, the Board’s goal will be to have a successor in place no later than July 1, 2019.

Expressions of interest may be forwarded, in confidence, to:

Hon. Nicole C. Eaton, Chair
Board of Governors
Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies
59 Queen’s Park Crescent East
Toronto, ON M5S 2C4

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