Linda Safran
Linda Safran has completed (with Jill Caskey and Adam S. Cohen) a textbook, Art and Architecture of the Middle Ages: Exploring a Connected World, published by Cornell University Press in December 2022, which is accompanied by a dynamic open-access website, artofthemiddleages.com. In addition to expanding the website, she is working on: a late fourth-century silver jug with biblical imagery from the Traprain Law treasure; Crucifixion images at Hagios Neophytos in Cyprus; and Greek epigraphy in southern Italy, for inclusion in The Visual Culture of Late Byzantium and the Early Modern Orthodox World (c. 1350–c. 1669), volume 4 of Cambridge University Press's multivolume Sources in Byzantine Art History.
Recent and forthcoming publications
Dr. Linda Safran https://utoronto.academia.edu/lindasafran https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Linda-Safran Associate Fellow, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Toronto https://pims.ca/article/institute-officials-fellows-and-staff/
- 2013–2014 - Research Fellows
- 2014–2015 - Research Fellows
- 2015–2016 - Research Fellows
- 2016–2017 - Research Fellows
- 2017–2018 - Research Fellows
- 2018–2019 - Research Fellows