Mediaeval Studies Volume 72 (2010)
ISSN 0076–5872
Volume 72 (2010) • ISBN 978–0–88844–674–9 • $90
An annual journal of scholarship on the Middle Ages. A description of the journal and editorial policy, as well as tables of contents for recently published volumes, and indexes in electronic form, are available on the Mediaeval Studies page elsewhere on this site.
ANDREW M. BERESFORD Rereading Jerome in Spain in the Middle Ages: The Vida de Sant Paulo and the Legend of St. Paul of Thebes | 1
LUISA NARDINI The St. Peter Connection and the Acquisition of a Roman Offertory in Bologna and Benevento | 39
JOHN F. ROMANO Joy in Waiting? The History of Gaudete Sunday | 75
MARTIN DIMNIK The Nature of Princely Rule in Novgorod from 970 to 1136 | 125
MARY AGNES EDSALL Learning from the Exemplar: Anselm's Prayers and Meditations and the Charismatic Text | 161
ATRIA A. LARSON The Influence of the School of Laon on Gratian: The Usage of the Glossa ordinaria and Anselmian Sententiae in De penitentia (Decretum C.33 Q.3) | 197
DAVID PORRECA Albertus Magnus and Hermes Trismegistus: An Update | 245
VICTOR SALAS Albertus Magnus and Thomas Aquinas on the Analogy between God and Creatures | 283
JOSEPH GROSSI Cloistered Lydgate, Commercial Scribe: British Library Harley 2255 Revisited | 313
For subscriptions and recent volumes, please contact our distributors to place your order.
- In North America, please contact University of Toronto Press Distribution to order by email, phone, fax, or mail.
- Outside North America, please contact Brepols Publishers.
Orders for back issues (volumes 1–71) should be addressed to the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Department of Publications, 59 Queen’s Park Crescent East, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 2C4 (fax: 416-926-7258; e-mail: jonathan.black@utoronto.ca).