Mediaeval Studies Volume 81 (2019)

Edited by
Jonathan Black

ISSN 0076-5872
Volume 81 (2019) • ISBN 978-0-88844-683-1 • $120

An annual journal of scholarship on the Middle Ages. A description of the journal and its editorial policy, as well as indexes in electronic form and ordering information, are available on the Mediaeval Studies page elsewhere on this site.


In memoriam: Édouard Jeauneau (1924–2019), by Paul Edward Dutton  |  vii

GRETI DINKOVA-BRUUN   The Three Marriages of St. Anne: Poems from Engelberg, Stiftsbibliothek 117  |  1
ANTOINE CÔTÉ   Maino de Maineri (ca. 1290–ca. 1368) on Whether Something Can Come to Be Out of Nothing: Questiones de substantia orbis: Questio utrum ex nihilo possit aliquid fieri  29
SERGEY IVANOV   The Latin Twelve Fridays Texts: Textual Analysis and Edition  |  105
SIEGFRIED WENZEL   Wimbledon’s Sermon and Its Latin Surroundings  |  171

MATTHEW DOYLE   The Magnum quidem et difficile Sermons of Robert Pullen and Peter Lombard  |  243
GABRIELA SIGNORI   The Necrology of Günterstal, the Notebook of the Prioresses and Abbesses, and Thoughts on the History of the Necrologia Germaniae  273



For subscriptions and recent volumes, please contact our distributors to place your order.

Orders for back issues (volumes 1–71) should be addressed to the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Department of Publications, 59 Queen’s Park Crescent East, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 2C4 (fax: 416-926-7258; e-mail:

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