Aquinas and Antoninus. A Tale of Two Summae in Renaissance Florence
Etienne Gilson Series 35. 2013. 30 pp.
ISBN 978–0–88844–735–7 • Paper • Complimentary (on request)
The 2011 Etienne Gilson Lecture explores the complex issue of the way Thomas Aquinas was cited by later authors, and how Thomas's theology was moulded to meet the needs of particular local contexts.
For a list of lectures currently in print, see the page devoted to The Etienne Gilson Lecture elsewhere on this site.
In order to receive a printed copy of this lecture as long as it is still in print, please send your mailing address to Megan Jones by email at megan.jones@utoronto.ca or by mail at the Department of Publications, 59 Queen’s Park Crescent East, Toronto, ON, M5S 2C4, Canada.