New Perspectives on Thomas of Ireland’s Manipulus florum / Nouvelles perspectives sur le Manipulus florum de Thomas d’Irlande
Papers in Mediaeval Studies 32 • 2019 • x, 254 pp. • ISBN 978-0-88844-832-3 • Cloth • $90
The ten essays that make up this collection join the tradition of studies on the Manipulus florum inaugurated by Richard and Mary Rouse with their Preachers, Florilegia and Sermons, published by the Institute in 1979, and include close analyses of specific lemmata as well as broader studies that should appeal to students and scholars in various fields.
The study of Latin florilegia has gathered considerable momentum in recent years driven, in part, by the “New Philology,” a theoretical approach to manuscript scholarship that regards textual variants not as corruptions of the original text, but as “authentic witnesses” in their own right. This growing emphasis on textual traditions is directly relevant to medieval florilegia, handy reference works that were widely employed prior to the twentieth century by writers of both vernacular and Latin texts to find eloquent, authoritative quotations from venerable authors. Although these collections of classical, patristic, and medieval quotations are by their nature derivative, they are increasingly recognized as valuable witnesses to historical mentalités. The selection and organization of these textual fragments not only reflects the intellectual milieux of their compilers, but also influenced later intellectual contexts.
No example of the genre perhaps better demonstrates these claims than the Manipulus florum of Thomas of Ireland. Composed in 1306, this florilegium comprises nearly six thousand excerpts, organized under 266 alphabetically ordered lemmata, from dozens of authors, including doctors and fathers of the Latin and Greek churches, medieval writers, and classical authors. One of the most prominent works of reference from its creation until the seventeenth century, it remains of interest to philologists, philosophers, and historians not only of the medieval world, but also, given its wide diffusion and reception, of the Renaissance and of humanism.
Acknowledgments • vii
Abbreviations • ix
Introduction (en français and in English) • MARÍA-JOSÉ MUÑOZ JIMÉNEZ • 1
1 Revisiting John of Wales’s Role in the Creation of the Manipulus florum • CHRIS L. NIGHMAN • 17
2 The Manipulus florum of Thomas of Ireland and the Glossed Bible • MARK ZIER • 31
3 Quels mots pour exprimer l’émotion dans le Manipulus florum? Ce qu’ils nous disent sur son public et sa fonction • XAVIER BIRON-OUELLET • 73
4 Patience in the Manipulus florum • ROBIN WAUGH • 91
5 Âme et corps dans le Manipulus florum de Thomas d’Irlande • IOLANDA VENTURA • 111
6 Thomas of Ireland’s Construction of Angelus and Diabolus and the Usefulness of His Manipulus florum • LOUIS SHWARTZ • 132
7 From the University to the Cloister: The Manipulus florum and William of Pagula’s Speculum religiosorum • TRISTAN SHARP • 147
8 The Lemmata Amor, Caritas, and Dilectio in Thomas of Ireland’s Manipulus florum and Their Influence on Renaissance Mysticism • ALAN VINCELETTE • 165
9 What a Calvinist Edition of the Manipulus florum Provided to French Protestants: A Reading of the Lemma Ecclesia in Jacob Stoer’s 1593 Edition • NICHOLAS MUST • 188
10 Les manuscrits du Manipulus florum conservés dans les bibliothèques espagnoles • MARÍA-JOSÉ MUÑOZ JIMÉNEZ • 207
Bibliography • 224
Contributors • 244
Index of Classical, Patristic, and Medieval Authors • 247
Index of Citations of the Manipulus florum • 251
Jacqueline Hamesse est professeur émérite à l’Institut supérieur de philosophie de l’Université catholique de Louvain depuis 2008. Elle a publié en tant qu’auteur et éditrice de nombreuses études – près de deux cents – sur la lexicographie philosophique, la prédication, l’encyclopédisme et les techniques de traduction. Elle a été Présidente de l’Institut d’Études Médiévales de l’Université catholique de Louvain (1984–93), directrice de l’Academia Belgica à Rome (1993–2003), et Présidente de la Société Internationale pour l’étude de la Philosophie Médiévale (2002–7). Elle est Présidente honoraire de la Fédération Internationale des Instituts d’Études Médiévales (FIDEM).
María-José Muñoz Jiménez est Professeur Ordinaire au Département de Philologie classique de l’université Complutense de Madrid. Elle est directrice du Groupe de Recherche UCM: “La littérature latine en extraits. Florilèges et anthologies du Moyen-Âge et de la Renaissance.” Elle est auteur de plus d’une centaine de publications, telles que Un florilegio de biografías latina: edición y estudio del manuscrito 7805 de la Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid (Louvain-la-Neuve, 2008), et éditrice de El florilegio: espacio de encuentro de los autores antiguos y medievales (Porto, 2011) et La compilación del saber en la Edad Media (Porto, 2013). Elle a été Membre Adjoint du Bureau de la Fédération Internationale des Instituts d’Études Médiévales (2009–18). Elle est Vice-président de la Société Espagnole des Études Classiques.
Chris L. Nighman is an Associate Professor of History at Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, Ontario, where he has taught courses on medieval, renaissance and early modern Europe since 1997. His graduate studies were pursued at the University of Toronto, where he received an MA in History in 1990 and a doctorate in History in 1996. As an intellectual and cultural historian, his research focuses on medieval Latin literature, including sermons and preachers’ aids, especially the collections of authoritative quotations known as florilegia. He is currently preparing a digital resource for the Latin translations of John Chrysostom’s homilies on John, and intends to continue developing digital resources for Latin florilegia.
“This collection, growing out of an international colloquium on the Manipulus florum held at Wilfrid Laurier University in 2014, carries forward the research on Thomas of Ireland’s florilegium initiated by Richard and Mary Rouse in their path-breaking study published by the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies in 1979. The essays gathered here illustrate just how far studies of Thomas and his Manipulus have come in those forty years. Building on the excellent electronic edition of the text by Chris Nighman, the authors pursue a diversity of approaches to engage with Thomas’s compendium. Together, these papers reveal the remarkable riches this seemingly ‘common, everyday handbook,’ which in the Rouses’ description ‘contains no original thought and makes no intellectual pretensions,’ holds for the intellectual history of the middle ages.” — Joseph Goering, University of Toronto
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