Catalogus Translationum et Commentariorum, Volume XII

Editor in Chief
Greti Dinkova-Bruun

Associate Editors
Julia Haig Gaisser and James Hankins

Mediaeval and Renaissance Latin Translations and Commentaries: Annotated Lists and Guides

CTC 12. 2022. xxxvi, 560 pp. ISBN 978-0-88844-952-8 • Cloth • $105

Volume 12 contains a single article of monographic length on the Metamorphoses of Ovid, by Frank T. Coulson, †Harry L. Levy, and Harald Anderson, a testament to the vastness and complexity of the Nachleben of Ovid’s most popular work.

Founded in 1946 by Paul Oskar Kristeller, the Catalogus Translationum et Commentariorum has become an indispensable research tool for scholars interested in the history of the classical tradition in the West during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Each article treats a separate classical author, beginning with a detailed essay on the author’s reception from antiquity to A.D. 1600 and, in some cases, even up to the present day. This ‘Fortuna’ is followed by a comprehensive list both of manuscript and printed commentaries on each Latin author and, in the case of Greek authors, a list of Latin translations as well.

Since the publication of the first volume in 1960, the Catalogus has published articles on nearly a hundred classical authors, with dozens more in active preparation. The project boasts an international team of contributors from fourteen countries in Europe and North America. Given the ever-growing interest in the history of classical reception across departments of English, European languages, and comparative literature, the foundational scholarship that is the hallmark of the CTC has become more vital than ever to research in the humanities.


The preface


Preface, by Greti Dinkova-Bruun • vii
Preface to Volume I, by Paul Oskar Kristeller • xiii
General Bibliography • xxi
Abbreviations • xxxiii
Acknowledgements • xxxv

Latin Authors
Publius Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses, by Frank T. Coulson (The Ohio State University), †Harry L. Levy (Duke University), and Harald Anderson (Reston, VA, USA) • 1

Index of Authors and Historical Figures • 531
Index of Mythological and Biblical Figures • 540
Index of Manuscripts • 544
Index of Translators and Commentators • 553
Index of Ancient Authors Treated in Volumes I–XIII • 558


Greti Dinkova-Bruun is a Fellow and Librarian of the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Toronto. She has edited Alexander Ashby’s Opera Poetica for the Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaevalis (2004) and The Ancestry of Jesus: Excerpts from “Liber Generationis Iesu Christi Filii Dauid Filii Abraham” for Toronto Medieval Latin Texts (2005). Her numerous articles have appeared in Mediaeval Studies, Viator, Sacris Erudiri, Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch, and Archives d’histoire doctrinale et littéraire du Moyen Âge, among other journals.

Julia Haig Gaisser is Eugenia Chase Guild Professor Emerita in the Humanities and Professor Emerita of Latin at Bryn Mawr College. Her article on Catullus appeared in CTC 7 in 1992. She is the author of  Catullus and His Renaissance Readers (1993), The Fortunes of Apuleius and the “Golden Ass”: A Study in Transmission and Reception (2008), and Catullus (2009); she is also the editor and translator of Pierio Valeriano on the Ill Fortune of Learned Men: A Renaissance Humanist and His World (1999) and Giovanni Giovanio Pontano’s Dialogues: Charon and Antonius (2012).

James Hankins is Professor of History at Harvard University and founder and general editor of the I Tatti Renaissance Library, published by Harvard University Press. He is the author of, most recently, Virtue Politics: Soulcraft and Statecraft in Renaissance Italy (2019) and Plato in the Italian Renaissance (1990; Italian translation, 2009), and editor of The Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Philosophy (2007) and (with Fabrizio Meroi) The Rebirth of Platonic Theology (2013), as well as editor and trans­lator of Leonardo Bruni’s History of the Florentine People (2001–2007) and editor of Marsilio Ficino’s Platonic Theology (2001–2006).


“As it embarks on its second half-century, the Catalogus Translationum et Commentariorum continues to provide scholars of the reception of classical Greek and Roman texts with thoroughly researched documentation on Latin commentaries and translations into European languages up to roughly 1600. A worthy and welcome addition to the series, the twelfth volume also exhibits several important innovations. It is the first to be devoted to a single work by a single author, and given that the work is Ovid’s Metamorphoses, the field covered is vast, illustrating the manifold ways generations of students and readers understood and then drew fresh inspiration from the poem’s repertoire of story and character, all the more challenging in Christian Europe as Ovid’s mythic world is populated by pagan gods and the Roman poet celebrates no passion more than erotic love. The enumeration of the commentaries and the explication of the range of interpretive and pedagogical approaches they display is the culmination of Frank Coulson’s life’s work on these texts, while the exhaustive accounting of the translations is the contribution of Harald Anderson. Credit is also given to Harry Levy, who worked on the printed commentaries on the Metamorphoses before his death. Encouraged by series editor Greti Dinkova-Bruun, the authors include generous citations from the prefatory material of the texts and, importantly, extend coverage deep into the seventeenth century, making the volume exceptionally valuable to all students of medieval and early modern European literature. The authors expand the value of their coverage by citing and providing links to online materials to the point that the text in some areas becomes virtual hypertext. The volume concludes with five very useful indices.” — Ralph Hexter, University of California, Davis


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