Simona Vucu Awarded Essay Prize by The Canadian Philosophical Association

Congratulations to Simona Vucu, Mellon Fellow at the Institute, on being awarded one of The Canadian Philosophical Association's 2019 Faculty Essay Prizes!
Dr Simona Vucu won the Non-tenured Professor, Lecturer, Sessional Essay Prize/Prix de l'essai de professeur-e sans permanence ou chargé-e de cours for her essay “Causal Powers as Accidents: Thomas Aquinas’s View.”
Abstract: “Despite their ubiquity in medieval discussions and their central role in explaining causality, causal powers are often said to be accidental to their bearers. More precisely, medieval authors often claim that the causal powers of created beings are accidental to their bearers, while God’s power is essential to him. In this paper, I inquire into what Thomas Aquinas means by (created) powers being accidental to their bearers. I argue that Aquinas maintains this view not because powers pertain to bearers with limited essences, but because powers pertain to bearers with a limited act of existence.”
The CPA offers two essay prizes for faculty papers submitted to its annual conference: Non-tenured Professor, Lecturer, Sessional Essay Prize; and Tenured Professor Essay Prize. The faculty essay prize winners appeared in a plenary session of the CPA's 2019 conference held at the University of British Columbia.
To view the announcement, click here.