An Award for a PIMS Volume
Prizes & Awards
We are delighted to announce that Henry Constable, The Complete Poems, edited by María Jesús Pérez-Jáuregui, has received a prestigious award.
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Prizes & Awards
We are delighted to announce that Henry Constable, The Complete Poems, edited by María Jesús Pérez-Jáuregui, has received a prestigious award.
Prizes & Awards
Congratulations to James P. Carley, Fellow of the Pontifical Institute, who has been awarded the degree of Honorary Doctor of Letters from his Alma Mater, the University of Victoria.
Prizes & Awards
The Praeses and Fellows of the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies heartily congratulate Professors Ann Hutchison and James Carley on their imminent award of an honorary degree from the University of St. Michael’s College.
Prizes & Awards, Publications
We congratulate Amy Neff, who has been awarded the 2022 AFCEMS Prize for her book A Soul’s Journey, published by PIMS.
Prizes & Awards
Massimiliano Vitiello (Licentiate in Mediaeval Studies, PIMS, 2009) has been awarded the highest academic rank in the University of Missouri system.
Prizes & Awards
James P. Carley, Fellow of the Pontifical Institute, has been invited to receive the degree of Honorary Doctor of Letters from his Alma Mater, the University of Victoria.
Prizes & Awards
Congratulations to Katie Bugyis, former Mellon Fellow at PIMS, whose book The Care of Nuns: The Ministries of Benedictine Women in England during the Central Middle Ages has won the 2020 Frank S. and Elizabeth D. Brewer Prize of the American Society of Church History.
Prizes & Awards
James P. Carley, Fellow of the Pontifical Institute, has been chosen as the recipient of the Bibliographical Society’s 2019 Gold Medal.
Prizes & Awards
Congratulations to Simona Vucu, Mellon Fellow at the Institute, on being awarded one of The Canadian Philosophical Association's 2019 Faculty Essay Prizes!
Prizes & Awards
Greti Dinkova-Bruun, Institute Librarian and Fellow, was named the new Canadian representative to the International Medieval Latin Committee at “Medialatinitas 2017,” its 8th meeting held in Vienna, Austria 17–21 September, in recognition of her remarkable accomplishments as a medieval Latinist and philologist.
Prizes & Awards, Publications
The Vernam Hull Memorial Prize for the year 2015 has been awarded to Professor Ceri Davies, Emeritus Professor of Classics at Swansea University, for John Prise. Historiae Britannicae Defensio / A Defence of the British History, published by PIMS.
PIMS, Prizes & Awards
The Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies held a special convocation on 20th May in St Basil’s Collegiate Church to confer an honorary degree on His Highness the Aga Khan.
Prizes & Awards
We are very pleased that Karl Whittington’s Body-Worlds: Opicinus de Canistris and the Medieval Cartographic Imagination, published by PIMS, has been selected by the College Art Association as one of the four finalists for the 2015 Charles Rufus Morey Book Award.
PIMS, Prizes & Awards
Greti Dinkova-Bruun, Institute Fellow and Librarian,and Edouard Jeauneau, Institute Professor, have been awarded with SSHRC Insight Grants.
Prizes & Awards
The President and Fellows of the Institute are proud to announce the election of four new Mellon Fellows drawn from the U.S., Canada, and Italy for the current academic year.
In memoriam, Prizes & Awards
Through the generosity of James Hankins the Center for Epigraphical and Palaeographical Studies has established a fund to support the Virginia Brown Endowed Chair in Latin Palaeography.
Prizes & Awards
Ainoa Castro Correa has been awarded a Virginia Brown Fellowship at The Ohio State University.
Prizes & Awards
The Doctor of Divinity degree, honoris causa, will be conferred on James K. McConica, CSB at the University of St Michael’s College Faculty of Theology and Continuing Education Convocation on 2 November 2013.
Prizes & Awards
The Royal Society of Canada has awarded James P. Carley, a fellow of the RSC, Associate Fellow at the Institute, and Distinguished Research Professor at York University, the Pierre Chauveau Medal for his remarkable contributions to the humanities.
Prizes & Awards
The Rome Prize is awarded annually to about thirty candidates, each selected by a jury of distinguished peers through a national competition.