A Dialogue of a Philosopher with a Jew, and a Christian
Translated by Pierre J. Payer. MST 20. 1979. viii, 187 pp. ISBN 978–0–88844–269–7 • $12.95
The Institute has over 300 titles in print, as well as the journal Mediaeval Studies; it also publishes volumes on behalf of the Centre for Medieval Studies and The Dictionary of Old English in the University of Toronto. PIMS titles are usually part of a numbered series, and some are assigned a secondary series as well. This electronic catalogue lists all currently available Institute publications; a PDF version of the current catalogue is also available. Selected PIMS publications are available electronically via the dèsLibris platform.
A Dialogue of a Philosopher with a Jew, and a Christian
Translated by Pierre J. Payer. MST 20. 1979. viii, 187 pp. ISBN 978–0–88844–269–7 • $12.95
Hommes d’affaires grecs et latins à Constantinople (XIIIe–XVe siècles)
CAG 1977. 1979. 149 pp. ISBN 978–0–88844–518–6 • $24.95
Preachers, Florilegia and Sermons: Studies on the Manipulus florum of Thomas of Ireland
Studies and Texts 47. 1979. xi, 476 pp. ISBN 978-0-88844-047-1
The Manipulus florum is an alphabetically-arranged florilegium designed for use in writing sermons – a seemingly ordinary handbook which enjoyed extraordinary and long-lasting popularity, extending from its publication in 1306 through its most recent appearance in print in 1877.
On the Properties of Soul and Body. De proprietatibus rerum libri iii et iv
Edited by R. James Long. TMLT 9. 1979. x, 113 pp. ISBN 978–0–88844–458–5 • $19.95
A Book of Showings to the Anchoress Julian of Norwich
ST 35. 1978. 2 parts: viii, vi, 789 pp. ISBN 978–0–88844–035–8 • $124.95
In Defence of Poetry. Genealogiae deorum gentilium liber xiv
Edited by Jeremiah Reedy. TMLT 8. 1978. xii, 94 pp. ISBN 978–0–88844–457–8 • $19.95
The Doctrine of Being in the Aristotelian Metaphysics: A Study in the Greek Background of Mediaeval Thought
With a preface by Etienne Gilson. Third revised edition. 1978. xxxvi, 539 pp. ISBN 978–0–88844–409–7 • $85.00
The major study of the central problem of Western metaphysics.
The Early Councils of Pope Paschal II, 1100–1110
ST 43. 1978. xiv, 173 pp. ISBN 978–0–88844–043–3 • $39.95
The Wars of the Lord, Treatise Three: On God’s Knowledge
Translation and commentary by Norbert Max Samuelson. MST 19. 1977. xii, 323 pp. ISBN 978–0–88844–268–0 • $29.95
The Liber Gersumarum of Ramsey Abbey
SM 7. 1976. viii, 455 pp.; plates. ISBN 978–0–88844–356–4 • $69.95
A Thirteenth-Century Anthology of Rhetorical Poems
TMLT 4. 1975. x, 78 pp. ISBN 978–0–88844–453–0 • $19.95
Translation, introduction and notes by Edward W. Warren. MST 16. 1975. 65 pp. ISBN 978–0–88844–265–9 • $11.50
Porphyry’s Isagoge, or Introduction to the Categories of Aristotle, has exercised an amazing influence on the course of Western philosophy. A brief, modest work, designed to help a Roman senator grapple with Aristotle’s difficult concepts, the Isagoge became the first text that any aspiring philosopher confronted in his formal education; logic was the foundation of philosophical training and the Isagoge was the introduction to logic.
Philip the Chancellor’s Theology of the Hypostatic Union
Studies and Texts 32. 1975. 234 pp. ISBN 978-0-88844-032-7
For the theology of the Hypostatic Union (the union of the Son of God with the human form), the early thirteenth century was decisive, because in that period theologians resolved debates about three opinions on the subject that had divided earlier schoolmen. This volume examines the thought of Philip the Chancellor (ca. 1170–1236).
The Life of Cola Di Rienzo
MST 18. 1975. 166 pp. ISBN 978–0–88844–267–3 • $14.95
The Life of Cola di Rienzo is an anonymous eye-witness biography of Cola di Rienzo, a romantic visionary who led a popular revolution against the rapacious and tyrannical barons of medieval Rome. It vividly describes Cola’s brief, tragi-comic reign as “Tribune” of a “restored Roman republic” in 1347, his subsequent pilgrimage to the imperial court at Prague and the papal court at Avignon, his return to Rome as Papal Senator in 1354, and his gruesome death at the hands of a Roman mob two months after his restoration.
Parisian Questions and Prologues
Translated with an introduction and notes by Armand A. Maurer. MST 15. 1974. 123 pp. ISBN 978–0–88844–264–2 • $9.95
Selected Letters
Edited by Janet Martin in collaboration with Giles Constable. TMLT 3. 1974. viii, 107 pp. ISBN 978–0–88844–452–3 • $19.95