Journal: Mediaeval Studies
Editorial Purview
Most volumes are divided into three sections: “Texts” includes extensive editions with substantial introductions; “Articles” includes studies based on unedited or edited documents and texts and also includes studies of other monuments of medieval culture; “Mediaevalia” consists of notices or short articles on specific documents or topics. The journal includes no book reviews, and therefore the entire space of each volume can be devoted to editions and original research which make contributions of lasting significance for scholarship in the Middle Ages. By presenting scholarly editions of important medieval texts found only in manuscripts, Mediaeval Studies serves as a valuable resource for medievalists and other scholars in many countries; and through the publication of extensive studies in a wide spectrum of disciplines, the journal makes current research on the Middle Ages available to scholars in all areas of study.
Notes for Prospective Contributors
Prospective authors should provide unsigned, double-spaced versions of articles submitted for review, with text and notes in a 12-point font, and copies of manuscript sources. Mediaeval Studies conforms to The Chicago Manual of Style but omits publishers’ names in citations.
English and French are the primary languages of Mediaeval Studies, but articles written in other languages will also be considered. | Mediaeval Studies accepte des articles rédigés en anglais et en français et, exceptionnellement, en autres langues.
Mediaeval Studies does not accept books for review.
All correspondence regarding submissions should be addressed to Dr Jonathan Black, Editor of Mediaeval Studies, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 59 Queen’s Park Crescent East, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 2C4.
In addition to the printed indexes listed in the section below, searchable electronic files in PDF format are available for:
Volumes 1–84 (1939–2022)
- Articles listed by author and title (including notices in memoriam)
- Texts edited (indexed by author/title and by incipit)
Volumes 51–69 (1989–2007)
Current and forthcoming volumes should be ordered from our distributor:
University of Toronto Press
5201 Dufferin Street
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M3H 5T8
E-mail: utpbooks@utpress.utoronto.ca
Phone: 1-800-565-9523 (North America) or 416-667-7791
Fax: 1-800-221-9985 (North America) or 416-667-7832
Orders for back issues (volumes 1–71) should be addressed to the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Department of Publications, 59 Queen’s Park Crescent East, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 2C4 (fax: 416-926-7258; e-mail: jonathan.black@utoronto.ca).
The ISSN for Mediaeval Studies is 0076-5872 (Online ISSN 2507-0436). The current subscription rate for the journal, and prices for past volumes and indexes, are provided below:
Volumes 80–84 (2018–2022) • per volume $120.00
Volume 79 (2017) • $115.00
Volumes 77–78 (2015–2016) • per volume $110.00
Volumes 75–76 (2013–2014) • per volume $105.00
Volume 74 (2012) • $95.00
Volumes 68–73 (2006–2011) • per volume $90.00
Volumes 59–67 (1997–2005) • per volume $75.00
Volumes 1–58 (1939–1996) • per volume $40.00
General Index, volumes 1–25 (1939–1963)
ISBN: 978–0–88844–625–1 • $11.00
First Supplement Index, volumes 26–30 (1964–1968)
ISBN: 978–0–88844–631–2 • $3.00
Second Supplement Index, volumes 31–40 (1969–1978)
ISBN: 978–0–88844–648–0 • $12.00
Current Volume
VOLUME 84 (2022)
GARRETT R. SMITH Francis of Meyronnes on the Univocity of Being: In I Sent. (‘Ab oriente’) Distinctio 22 | 1
SIEGFRIED WENZEL Medieval Sermons in Latin and English: The Case of Mortuus viuet | 81
LEON JACOBOWITZ EFRON A Hebrew Romance of Oedipus | 113
EMMA GABE Johannes Meyer’s Rule and Constitutions for Dominican Laybrothers and Laysisters | 151Articles
DAVID APPLEBY Repurposing the Unbuilt: Carolingian Views of Emperor Julian’s Project to Rebuild the Temple | 221
CONSTANCE M. ROUSSEAU Pope Innocent III’s Justice and Pastoral Care Concerning Extramarital Sexual Activity | 273
MARIANNE KALINKE Augustinus saga: Variant Versions of the Life of St Augustine | 317
Contents of Past Volumes
Volume 83 (2021)
Volume 82 (2020)
Volume 81 (2019)
Volume 80 (2018)
Volume 79 (2017)
Volume 78 (2016)
Volume 77 (2015)
Volume 76 (2014)
Volume 75 (2013)
Volume 74 (2012)
Volume 73 (2011)
Volume 72 (2010)