Jean de Sècheville. De principiis naturae
Critical edition with introduction and tables. PIEM 14. 1956. 229 pp. ISBN 978–0–88844–510–0 • $34.95
The Institute has over 300 titles in print, as well as the journal Mediaeval Studies; it also publishes volumes on behalf of the Centre for Medieval Studies and The Dictionary of Old English in the University of Toronto. PIMS titles are usually part of a numbered series, and some are assigned a secondary series as well. This electronic catalogue lists all currently available Institute publications; a PDF version of the current catalogue is also available. Selected PIMS publications are available electronically via the dèsLibris platform.
Jean de Sècheville. De principiis naturae
Critical edition with introduction and tables. PIEM 14. 1956. 229 pp. ISBN 978–0–88844–510–0 • $34.95
Valeur du temps dans la pédagogie spirituelle de Jean Tauler
CAG 1955. 1956. 100 pp. ISBN 978–0–88844–509–4 • $14.95
La Place de la philosophie dans l’université idéale
CAG 1954. 1954. 69 pp. ISBN 978–0–88844–522–3 • $7.00
Théologie trinitaire chez saint Thomas d’Aquin. Évolution du concept d’action notionnelle.
PIEM 13. 1953. 156 pp. ISBN 978–0–88844–526–1 • $24.95
Being and Some Philosophers
Second edition, corrected and enlarged, reprinted with minor corrections, 2016. xii, 235 pp. Paperback: ISBN 978-0-88844-415-8 • $27.50
Second edition, corrected and enlarged, 1952. xii, 235 pp. Casebound: ISBN 978-0-88844-401-1 • $39.95
The study of being was one of the main preoccupations of Gilson’s scholarly and intellectual life. Being and Some Philosophers is at once a testament to the persistence of those concerns and an important landmark in the history of the question of being. The book charts the ways in which being is translated across history, from unity in Plato and substance in Aristotle to essence in Avicenna and the act of existence in Aquinas. It examines the vicissitudes of essence and existence in Suarez and Christian Wolff, in Hegel and Kierkegaard, in order to uncover the metaphysical and existential foundations of modern thought.
The Summa Parisiensis on the Decretum Gratiani
1952. xxxiv, 272 pp. ISBN 978-0-88844-403-5
This is the first print edition of a twelfth-century canonical work that has come down to the present in a single manuscript. The Summa Parisiensis treats all of the first part of the Decretum, and the second part with the exception of causae 27, 28 and 29. It is a useful aid for the study of medieval canon law. The editor describes the manuscript, discusses the problems in regard to dating, and concludes that it is of the thirteenth century, perhaps the first half. The date of the work itself is likewise discussed, and is placed by the editor at around 1160. The introduction also gives the available information on the author and the sources used.
On Kingship to the King of Cyprus
Translated by Gerald B. Phelan; revised with an introduction and notes by I.Th. Eschmann. MST 2. 1949. xl, 119 pp. ISBN 978–0–88844–251–2 • $13.50
Aquinas outlines the justification and proper practice of kingly government.
Mediaeval Studies: Back Issues (Volumes 1–71)
ISSN 0076-5872
An annual journal of scholarship on the Middle Ages. A description of the journal and its editorial policy, as well as indexes in electronic form and general ordering information, are available on the Mediaeval Studies page elsewhere on this site.
St. Thomas and the Problem of the Soul in the Thirteenth Century
1934. 213 pp. ISBN 978–0–88844–406–6 • $25.95
The problem of the soul as form and substance in Bonaventure, Albertus Magnus and Thomas Aquinas.
Algazel’s Metaphysics: A Mediaeval Translation
1933. 265 pp. ISBN 978-0-88844-400-4
This edition makes available to students of medieval philosophy an important and influential work of al-Ghāzzalī (1058–1111) as actually used at the time. An appendix transcribes a long note in the base manuscript made up of extracts from the De divisione naturae of Gundissalinus, while a second gives the other marginal notes as well as the variants. This edition has proved serviceable for over 70 years, and is still a necessary tool for anyone working in the field of medieval metaphysics as developed in Latin during the thirteenth century.