Seminar: “Physical, Psychological and Arithmetical Time in Johannes Vetulus de Anagnia’s Liber de musica”
Philippa Ovenden (Mellon Fellow, PIMS)
This calendar lists all Institute events, including meetings of the Interdisciplinary Research Seminar, and lectures of interest to fellows, staff, and visitors at the Institute. It includes, where possible, events sponsored by the Centre for Medieval Studies (CMS), the Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies (CRRS), and St Michael’s College (USMC). All dates and times are accurate at time of posting. For further information on Institute events, please contact Semira Abdella, Institute secretary (phone 416 926 7142).
The University of Toronto maintains a comprehensive listing of local events. Visitors to the Institute may also wish to consult the calendars posted on the Faculty of Music, the Department of Fine Art, and Hart House websites. To locate venues and individual buildings use the map of the St George Campus.
Philippa Ovenden (Mellon Fellow, PIMS)
Fr. Bryan Kromholtz (Dominican School of Philosophy & Theology, Berkeley)
Stephen M. Metzger (Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana)
Stephen M. Metzger (Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana)
Centre for Medieval Studies
Catherine Conybeare (Bryn Mawr College)
Kyle Smith (University of Toronto)
Fangzhe Qiu (University College Dublin)
Paul Vandenbroeck (University of Leuven)
Michael O'Connor (St Michael's College)
Kirsty Schut (University of King's College)
Pasquale Porro (University of Turin)
Fr. Simon Mary (LMS Candidate, PIMS)
Francesca Galli (Universität Zürich, Università della Svizzera italiana)
Paul Vinhage (Mellon Fellow, PIMS)
Chet Van Duzer (Lazarus Project, University of Rochester)