Walter Chatton. Reportatio super Sententias: Liber II
ST 148. 2004. xiv, 370 pp. Casebound. ISBN 978–0–88844–148–5 • $75.95
The Institute has over 300 titles in print, as well as the journal Mediaeval Studies; it also publishes volumes on behalf of the Centre for Medieval Studies and The Dictionary of Old English in the University of Toronto. PIMS titles are usually part of a numbered series, and some are assigned a secondary series as well. This electronic catalogue lists all currently available Institute publications; a PDF version of the current catalogue is also available. Selected PIMS publications are available electronically via the dèsLibris platform.
Walter Chatton. Reportatio super Sententias: Liber II
ST 148. 2004. xiv, 370 pp. Casebound. ISBN 978–0–88844–148–5 • $75.95
ST 150. 2005. xiv, 242 pp. Casebound. ISBN 978–0–88844–150–8 • $59.95
In the Garden of Evil: The Vices and Culture in the Middle Ages
PMS 18. 2005. xxiv, 570 pp. ISBN 978–0–88844–818–7 • $94.95
ST 151. 2005. x, 438 pp. ISBN 978–0–88844–151–5 • $89.95
Summa on Marriage
Translated by Pierre Payer. MST 41; St Michael's College Mediaeval Translations. 2005. viii, 98 pp. ISBN 978–0–88844–291–8 • $21.95
TMLT 28. 2005. viii, 136 pp. ISBN 978–0–88844–478–3 • $19.95
Walter Chatton. Reportatio super Sententias: Libri III–IV
ST 149. 2005. xii, 400 pp. Casebound. ISBN 978–0–88844–149–2 • $80.95
A Macaronic Sermon Collection from Late Medieval England
ST 153. 2006. viii, 544 pp. Casebound. ISBN 978–0–88844–153–9 • $94.95
Anselm and Abelard: Investigations and Juxtapositions
PMS 19. 2006. x, 256 pp. ISBN 978–88844–819–4 • $54.95
The Nave Sculpture of Vézelay: The Art of Monastic Viewing
ST 154. 2006. xiv, 196 pp.; 150 figures and plates. Casebound. ISBN 978–0–88844–154–6 • $94.95
Thomas Aquinas. Lectura romana in primum Sententiarum Petri Lombardi
ST 152. 2006. x, 222 pp. Casebound. ISBN 978–0–88844–152–2 • $64.95
A Local Society in Transition: The Henryków Book and Related Documents
ST 155. 2007. xii, 284 pp. Casebound. ISBN 978–0–88844–155–3 • $74.95
Making Sense: Constructing Meaning in Early English
Publications of the Dictionary of Old English 7. 2007. xii, 138 pp. ISBN 978–0–88844–907–8 • $24.95
EGS 29. 2007. 40 pp. ISBN 978–0–88844–729–6 • Complimentary (on request)
The Deposition of Richard II. “The Record and Process of the Renunciation and Deposition of Richard II” (1399) and Related Writings
TMLT 29. 2007. viii, 104 pp. ISBN 978–0–88844–479–0 • $19.95
The Sentences – Book 1: The Mystery of the Trinity
Translated by Giulio Silano. MST 42; St Michael's College Mediaeval Translations. 2007. lviii, 278 pp. ISBN 978–0–88844–292–5 • $44.50
Walter Chatton. Lectura super Sententias: Liber I, Distinctiones 1–2
ST 156. 2007. xiv, 562 pp. Casebound. ISBN 978–0–88844–156–0 • $94.95
A Warrior Bishop of the Twelfth Century: The Deeds of Albero of Trier, by Balderich
MST 44. 2008. viii, 90 pp. ISBN 978–0–88844–294–9 • $16.95
This translation of the Gesta Alberonis provides an exciting record of a remarkable prelate and of the tumultuous age in which he lived.
An Epitome of Biblical History: Glosses on Walter of Châtillon's 'Alexandreis' 4.176–274
TMLT 30. 2008. x, 94 pp. ISBN 978–0–88844–480–6 • $19.95